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Transform Your Week with Sacred Rituals

Recently, I was inspired by a talk from Richard Rudd of the Gene Keys.
He spoke about moving from dominance to communion through synergy, a concept he called the cosmic communion.
This idea resonates deeply with the current energy of our times.

What truly struck a chord in his talk and got my shamanic muse cruising was the phrase ‘Sunday Consciousness.’ 

What if every day we embraced Sunday Consciousness? How much more fun would our workplaces be? How much more joyful would our lives become, no matter what we're doing?

Practicing these rituals daily creates a powerful synergy, where the combined effect of each day's practice is greater than the sum of its parts. By embracing these moments of sacred connection, we cultivate a harmonious flow of positive energy that enhances our lives and the lives of those around us, creating a ripple effect of well-being and joy.

From Dominance to Communion through SYNERGY. AHO!
I couldn’t let this idea go and ran with it. Here is a cool reframe for every day of the week. Have FUN with it!

Sacred Sundays:

Sacred Soul Altar and Intention Setting

1. Set Intentions: Light a candle, reflect on the past week, and write down three intentions for the upcoming week.

2. Create an Altar: From your intentions, create an altar for the week. Let it hold your intentions in the energetic realm. Check out my blog on Soul-aligned altars.

3. Gratitude Offering: Create a small offering to nature (e.g., a flower, a stone) and place it outside as a token of gratitude for the guidance and support you receive.

Magical Mondays:

Morning Smudging and Visualization

1. Smudging: Use sage or palo santo to smudge yourself and your space, clearing any negative energy.

2. Visualization: Spend 5-10 minutes visualizing your day and week based on the intentions you set on Sunday. See yourself surrounded by protective and positive energy, accomplishing your goals with ease.

Tuned-In Tuesdays:

Grounding and Journey Statements

1. Grounding: Stand barefoot on the earth for a few minutes, feeling the connection with the ground and visualizing roots growing from your feet into the earth.

2. Journey Statements: Speak three sweet action statements related to your intentions set on Sunday. For example, "As I start each morning with a simple ritual, I trust my inner wisdom," or "As I remind myself not to take life too seriously, I live every day in Sunday consciousness." Give an action that produces the outcome you wish to receive.

Wisdom Wednesdays:

Divination and Reflection

1. Divination: Grab your oracle deck, tarot cards, or runes to seek guidance for the day. Ask a great question! For example, if your intention from Sunday was to be more present and focused, ask: "What do I need today to help me stay focused and present?" You can place this card on your altar.

2. Reflection: Reflect on the message received and write down any insights or thoughts that come to mind. Consider how this wisdom can be applied to your day.

Thriving Thursdays:

Nature Connection and Energy Alignment

1. Nature Connection: Spend 10 minutes outside, engaging with the natural elements. Hug a tree, listen to the birds, or sit by a body of water.

2. Energy Alignment: Perform a brief energy alignment exercise, such as visualizing a column of light running through your chakras, from the earth to the sky.

Flourishing Fridays:

Journaling and Sacred Altar

1. Journaling: Spend 10 minutes journaling about your week, focusing on moments of growth and learning. Keep your focus on all your aha’s and Woohoo’s.

2. Sacred Altar: Take a look at your altar. Does anything feel like it needs to shift? Move things around. Add something that represents your aha’s and Woohoo’s. If anything natural was removed, take it outside and gift it to the Earth.

Soulful Saturdays:

Creative Ceremony and Community Connection

1. Creative Ceremony: Dedicate 20 minutes to creating a small ceremony. This could involve making a mandala outside with natural items, dancing to drumming music, or crafting a symbolic item—painting symbols on rocks is always fun. This might be a great time to have your family join you!

2. Community Connection: Reach out to a loved one or spend time in a community activity that nourishes your soul. Share your experiences and listen to theirs, fostering a deeper sense of connection.


What do you think of this reframe? Can you imagine how your week might be different if you started or ended the day connecting with your sweet soul?

Play with this reframe, see how your week flows, and share with me any shifts! I love hearing your aha’s.

Much Munay,



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